
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parts ready for paint..

Picked up some parts today, ready for paint after a few hours discussion.. think we came up with a pretty cool idea.. :-) This will be built to fit two engines.. one ordinary Harley Davidson and one 140 HP S&S.. It will never be street legal with the S&S, so it has to fit the original Harley too when shown to the government to get license plates.. I will also make the leather solo seat.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Leather & Gold..

Started the process to add gold leaf to the "no virgin" leather seat..

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Top Motorcycle Blog Award

Hell yea, I won!! Or did I loose.. I was picked out as one of twenty, to be spammed by "Top Motorcycle Blog Award" from Online Schools.. It has absolutely nothing to do with motorcycles except placing a link which advertise for online schools.. think of it, they also give away awards to Top Dog Blogs, Top Cat Blogs, Top Bird Blog, Top Insect Blog and hundreds of more silly themes.. some of the blogs that won, wasn´t even about motorcycles! So, if you see any of the awards abow, dont click it, unless you want to be fooled..

They say: "Each judge rates each blog across 20 different attributes, including content, frequency of updates, amount of advertising, length of posts, and readibility." Hmm.. one blog have never posted anything, a few blogs was not about motorcycles.. even one was only advertising for expensive motorcycle innsurance..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Redneck Bullet Bobber - In Progress

Upcomming leather & airbrush project - A good friend of mine (Knut Olav Dybsjord) just finished the "Bullet Bobber" (it´s not quite finished on these pictures, but you get the idea..) which I´m going to airbrush and make a leather seat for.. It has to be done within three weeks for a Custom Motorcycle Show in Norway. It will be built to fit two engines.. one Harley Davidson and one S&S for show.. Stay tuned for update pictures of the progress..

Monday, August 23, 2010

Leather - Solo Seat with Brass frame

Leather Solo Seat - Another Motorcycle bobber kind of solo seat with a brass frame.. do far no graphics on theis one, but the cool thing is that it is pretty easy to unscrew the screws and change the leather.. if I want different designs..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Leather - Solo Seat (done)

Leather Solo Seat - Finally "done".. This has been a working marathon.. been working most of the last 26 hours to try to finish the most I can.. After the eventI´ll probably add some more graphics to the skull, but it at least looks almost finished and are ready to be shown.. :-)

More Leather Seats..

Leatherwork - My bathroom floor is now working as a workingspace, finishing some leather seats to Reckless MC´s 10th anniversary party this weekend.. Also working on yet another skull seat..

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Leather Solo Seat - Just finished another bobber type of leather seat..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Leather Seat - Dirty Bastard

Leather Seat Progress - A new leather seat in progress without a motive this time.. Added some leather dye, trying to make it look a little old and worn.. Decided to go with dyed dark brown licing to make it look as old as possible..

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gold Leaf - Biltwell Flake Helmet

Biltwell & Gold Leaf - Copper leafed and striped my Flake Helmet from Biltwell.. The stripes are 1-shot Ivory.. I´ll probably add some pinstriping as well.. as soon as it dries.. They say less is more, but this is so much fun that I don´t know..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pinstriping / Lettering / Leafing

Pinstriping, Lettering & Gold Leaf - Finished the top of the wooden equipment box...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lettering - Video

A little video sequence from YouTube where I Pinstripe, Lettering and Gold Leaf the wooden storage box.. Also the music is composed by me..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Custom Made Seat Pans

I designed some seat pans and my good friend "Bønna" from CBB built them and did the awesome brass finish for me.. They will be shipped any day now and I can´t wait start working and make som new custom leather seats..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gilding - Pinstriping

Gold leafing a wooden box to keep my pinstriping and lettering equipment and paint.. my dad built the box in the early 70´s to store his drawing equipment, but now it´s mine and keeps to store creative equipment..