About a month ago or so, I was contacted by
CBP (Custom Bike Parts) in Skien and asked if I was able to, and wanted to make four custom solo seats with motive in leather, in only one month!! Usually I say I want at least three weeks to make one seat (of course I don´t work all the time then, but with an upholstery job beside and other projects as well, things take time).
This job was for
Victory Motorcycles which planned four Motörhead signature models customized by
CBP, painted by Terje Aspmo and seats by me if I wanted, so I just had to say yes! No doubt, even tho I had no idea how much time this should take... anyway, Motörhaed was coming to Norway, December 5th. so it was better to start focus on how to pull this job off!
I had to make templates for seven parts which had to fit perfectly on each seat, and then they had to be laced together. Lacing is kind of sewing by hand, only twice as far to get the cross stitches with a leather strap. Also three of the seats had to be dyed black with the motive in vintage brown, which takes time...
I´m not complaining, just forgot how much time these things take, so I worked almost 24/7 for a month, and was finished Monday morning Novembre 28th at 05:30 AM. A couple of houres before the promised delivery!
They where picked up by a courier early the next morning, and I was a little concerned about how they would fit. Not that I thought I had done anything wrong, but when things have to be perfect, and without an Victory 8 Ball model available to check the fitting it´s a little scary with no time to make changes. Later that day, I got a message that the seats was awesome and the colors was perfect with the custom paint.
Yesterday I was at Hard Rock Cafe in Oslo for the after party, after the Motörhead concert and the bikes are unveiled with a press release, and it seems like everyone is satisfied!
Below you´ll see some photos of the process of making these Motörhead skull seats, if you aren´t exhausted and have moved on...